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good article thanks for writing it. my personal view is that the hidden bankers who run the world would like to have ALL of us follow the chinese worker model of more limited freedoms (jNew World Order,) and that these bankerfolk at the top actually created modern "communist" china, and created the bolshevik revolution as well, for CONTROL. it seems counterintuitive to many to think that the arch capitalists of wall street would do this, but its not really communism, its TOTALITARIANISM. they called it communism to create the Strategy of Tension between East and West to feed their perpetual war machine. i think the roots have a lot to do with todays reality. https://lorddreadnought.livejournal.com/37272.html . the sudden rise of the overwhelmingly jewish "oligarchs" in russia after the fall of the ussr is more evidence of who or what was behind this so called "communism" from the getgo. see this guardian article https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/jul/02/russia.lukeharding1 lastly, the big deal for the hidden bankers at the very top is war. they ALLOWED these nouveau riche oligarchs to steal everything because the deal is they make war for the hidden guys at the top. this igor, zelenskys puppet master, started the war with russia by using nazis to coup the government of ukraine. haaretz article from 2014 https://www.haaretz.com/2014-10-18/ty-article/.premium/the-most-powerful-jew-in-the-world/0000017f-ea28-d639-af7f-ebffe41b0000

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